Appendix C. Definitions of causes of corporate data protection malpractices

Category/ Subcategories

Definition (There are data protection malpractices within organizations BECAUSE they…)

Inadequate technical measures (IAT)

Inadequate technical safeguards against cyber intrusion (IAT1)

Lack sufficient technical safeguards to protect network from cyberattacks

Inadequate technical measures to ensure the security of data storage (IAT2)

Lack sufficient technical measures to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of stored personal data

Inadequate technical measures to ensure the security of data processing (IAT3)

Lack sufficient technical measures to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of personal data during data processing

Inadequate technical measures to ensure the security of data transfer (IAT4)

Lack sufficient technical measures to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of personal data during data transfer

Inadequate technical measures to ensure the security of data disposal (IAT5)

Lack sufficient technical measures to ensure the security of disposed documents that contain personal data

Intrusive technical measures (ITT)

Intrusive use of surveillance systems (ITT1)

Use surveillance systems (e.g., CCTV) in an intrusive way

Intrusive use of tracking technologies (ITT2)

Use tracking technologies (e.g., cookies) in an intrusive way

Intrusive use of portable data storage devices (ITT3)

Use portable data storage devices (e.g., USB sticks) in an intrusive way

Inadequate organizational measures (IAO)

Inadequate identity authentication (IAO1)

Lack sufficient authentication procedures to verify and validate the accuracy of identity of the data subjects as well as their personal data 

Poorly designed privacy policy (IAO2)

Adopt a privacy policy that deviates from the requirement of data protection regulation

Inadequate control of access to personal data (IAO3)

Lack sufficient control of employees’ access to personal data

Inadequate supportive resources for data protection practices (IAO4)

Fail to provide sufficient resources (e.g., the appointment of a data protection officer) to support corporate data protection practices

Inadequate digital forgetting mechanism (IAO5)

Lack or poorly implement digital forgetting mechanisms which stipulate the data retention period and data forgetting procedures

Inadequate internal training (IAO6)

Fail to conduct sufficient training of employees regarding compliance with internal guidelines as well as national regulations for data protection

Absence of data protection impact assessment (IAO7)

Lack assessment of the impact of the envisaged data processing on the protection of personal data before the processing in particular when using new technologies

Absence of regular and extensive security risk checks (IAO8)

Lack regular and extensive checks on the effectiveness of the measures applied to ensure data security

Inadequate due diligence (IAO9)

Lack sufficient investigation on the data security of an organization before entering into an agreement or contract with it

Intrusive organizational measures (ITO)

Intrusive data harvesting mechanism (ITO1)

Harvest personal data, in particular sensitive data, as what is unnecessary in relation to the claimed purposes

Intrusive data processing mechanism (ITO2)

Process personal data, in particular sensitive data, as what is unnecessary in relation to the claimed purposes

Disregard for its obligations to obtain informed consent (ITO3)

Do not comply with the obligations to obtain informed consent from the data subjects

Disregard for its obligations to fulfil the data rights of the data subjects (ITO4)

Do not comply with the obligations to fulfil the data rights of the data subjects

Disregard for its obligations to cooperate with supervisory authority (ITO5)

Do not comply with the obligations to cooperate with supervisory authority